Baby Nido

baby nido the keebis preschool
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baby nido the keebis preschool 3

Baby Nido

Your baby’s brain and body are growing quickly at this developmental stage, and our nurturing, homelike environment is designed to support their changing needs.

Through rich, purposeful experiences, your baby will:

  • Discover the joy of sounds and rhythms through language and songs
  • Engage in exchanges and conversations (using coos and sounds) through games, books, and interactions with caring adults
  • Share feelings and needs through facial expressions and sounds
  • Explore their curious nature, using their senses to examine the objects, people, and places in their world (placing objects in a container; moving from place to place by crawling or walking; or simply playing peek-a-boo)
  • Experience a variety of materials that engage all senses: clay, paint, light, fabrics

Our Baby Nido program is offered from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Monday through Friday. Pick-up and drop-off times are flexible.

The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool

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