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As your toddler gains confidence through meaningful classroom interactions and a strong parent-educator partnership, they will learn to navigate first relationships and begin to find their place in the world through words and actions.

Your child will experience:

  • Engage in story time, interact with environmental print, and explore books
  • Begin making behavioral choices, such as washing their hands before lunch
  • Recognize attributes of people and objects, play with puzzles, use spatial awareness, and identify multiple ways to solutions
  • Explore graphic tools (markers, crayons, chalk) and leave marks on large papers
  • Mimic real-world experiences such as rocking a baby, cooking, and answering the phone

Nido program is offered from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Monday through Friday. Pick-up and drop-off times are flexible.

The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool

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