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About Us

Welcome To Keebis Preschool

Keebis Preschool is an educational center focused on preschool education with an innovative and inspiring methodology based on the Reggio Emilia Approach. We value each child as strong, capable, and resilient, rich with wonder and knowledge. We are a local school committed to supporting children and families from Key Biscayne with flexible hours from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, making us more accommodating than other schools in the area.

Our broader and more flexible hours reflect our deep empathy for the local community, from which our new name, The Keebis, originates. We offer a variety of activities including Visual Arts, Music, Yoga, Soccer, and language classes.

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The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool

Our programs

The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
Enrichment Activities

Providing Good Qualities For Your Loving Kids

The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool
The Keebis Preschool

Qualified Teachers


Years Of Experience


Students Enrolled


The Keebis Students

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    The Keebis Preschool
    The Keebis Preschool

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